RTA executes 2.2m e-payment taxi fare transactions in 2017

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RTA executes 2.2m e-payment taxi fare transactions in 2017
RTA executes 2.2m e-payment taxi fare transactions in 2017 admin January 28, 2018

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) revealed that the number of taxi fare transactions recorded by the Dubai Taxi Corporation and franchise companies, and paid through nol and credit cards in 2017 topped 2,213,234 transactions. The number reflects an increase of about 731% from the level of transactions clocked last year, which amounted to 266,330 transactions.

Adel Shakri, Director of Transportation Systems, RTA’s Public Transport Agency said, “The introduction of new technologies for payment of taxi fare through nol and credit cards could be possible thanks to the coordination with the Network International Company; the supplier of e-payment devices fitted to taxicabs.

“The hike in transactions from 266,330 in 2016 to 2,213,234 in 2017 is indicative of the remarkable public acceptance of these e-payment means as they are smooth and sophisticated. It also reflects our efforts in supporting the Smart City initiative of our government, and contributes to the delivery of our first and third strategic goals: Smart Dubai and People Happiness,” he added.

“The number of transactions paid using nol cards leapfrogged from 13,904 transactions in 2016 to 140,115 transactions in 2017, whereas transactions processed using credit cards has vaulted from 252,426 transactions in 2016 to 2,073,119 transactions in 2017,” he explained.

“In the context of its policy of urging taxi drivers to encourage passengers to use nol or credit cards in payment of their taxi fares, the RTA has rewarded drivers who contributed to the enhanced use of those two e-payment methods. The underlying objective is to foster a competitive spirit between cabdrivers in motivating riders to use those two cards; which eases the lacking change problems associated with cash payments,” concluded Shakri.

